Monday, June 25, 2012


Fourteen of our young people went to PCC this year--yeay Lompoc! :))  Several said we were the friendliest church.  Whooo weeee! 

Here Goes The Choir

Group Shot After Service With A Few The I Could Round Up

The Weber Girls! Ha!

Myself and Sister Lambeth

The Lambeths

Sweet Emily--Always so nice to see her!

Well...I dont know why I can't delete the repeat picture

Us With Sister Lambeth Again

Sophia made it! Yeay!

Our girls--first time campers.  Just got the Holy Ghost since January.  I am so glad we got to spend time with them at camp 2012!

Winners! :))

Macys Brings In Brasil

This post is to all my Brasilian friends out there who follow me.  While walking through Macy's the other day I was suprised to see items that are generally sold at malls and supermarkets in Brasil.  What in the world?  Why didn't they have that stuff for sale while we were on deputation? :)) 

Ola Meus Amigos de Longe!!!  Eu estava fazendo compras no Shopping essa semana quando encontrei uma loja vendendo coisas que pertence ao tema, "Brasil, Uma Viagem Magical."  Gente ola quantas coisas eles estao vendendo do Brasil:

O Tema da Colecao de Verao:  Brasil 

Blusas, camisas, chapeu, chinelos.... tudo que se encontra na rua no Brasil aqui no nosso shopping! :))
Tambem aqui achei uma bola de FUTEBOL com "Brasil" escrito nela.  $10.00.  EU SEMPRE QUIS comprar isso NO BRASIL mas soh achei la por $75 Reais(!!!!) naquelas lojas de esporte e de sapato.  Eu ate fui no centro tentando. Gente.

Nao dah pra ver aqui muito bem mas tinha papeis pra pegar com receitas de FEIJOADA.  Panelas em promocao aqui do Brasil...

Okay uma blusa aqui tudo escrito em Portugues.  Eu nao entendi muito bem....
Voces entendem?

Chapeu de Ipanema...nao sei se dah pra ver isso escrito...

Guarana, Acai em Chocolate, Cafe Pilao, e Cafe "Starbucks Brasil"
Tudo de promocao aqui.  Do lado tinha copos de cafezinho. 

Cafe "Starbucks Brasil"

Um vestido de Sao Paulo


Hello Everyone! 

Happy Summer! Alana and I are now in California helping my mom and dad with the church in Lompoc. It feels like I came home!:)) So much of the town looks the same as when we left 12 years ago but thank God there is a new Starbucks! Ha. It has been wonderful participating in the services at Gospel Lighthouse. The Holy Ghost is still moving in that place and many exciting things are happening! Here are some pictures of the church which by the way looks so nicely updated.  When we left the church was all red--carpet, pews... :))

The Gospel Lighthouse:

View From The Pulpit

The Sanctuary

In Memory of Pastor Kendrick Whom We Miss So Much

Baptisms Since January--To God Be The Glory!

My Sunday School Area

Come Visit--Our Doors Are Always Open! :))