Monday, April 13, 2020

Revisiting Texas

Revisiting Texas
March 2020

It has been 10 years since I graduated from Texas Bible College.  I cannot believe how much my world has changed since those days spent in Lufkin, Texas.  Despite the years that have passed and the changes that have taken place, I still regularly reflect on my days spent in Lufkin, Texas.  

There is no place like East Texas.  You can find a Pentecostal church on nearly every corner, the hospitality is unmatched, restaurant options are abundant, and the American Spirit is strong!  I was really missing Texas.  So, off I went to revisit this special place...

I flew into Houston, grabbed a rental car, made my way to Saltgrass Steakhouse then stayed overnight in Humble.

The next morning I got ready and made my way to Lufkin.  I forgot about something that happens to hair-dos in East Texas--humidity.  I forgot that I would often repair my hair throughout the day while I lived in Lufkin.  I also didn't think about buying humidity-defying hair spray.  Oh well.  

I met up with Cara and Sarah, my dear friends from TBC.  Thank you both for taking time out of your schedules to spend time with me.  I had such a good time.  We caught up on each others' lives and picked up just like we were back in those TBC dorms!  

Such a wonderful time

The next day I took a walk through Crown Colony.  This had been my Saturday tradition.  This is a beautiful housing development on a golf course.  There are beautiful pine trees all around.  

Time for some sweet tea....


I stopped by the campus.  So many memories....

I saw this sign...Crawfish time...?

I chickened out.  Went with gumbo, hush puppies, and boudin instead.   

Ralph and Kacoos with Cara

Great Louisiana-style food

The next day was Sunday.  It was off to the Mettlen's beautiful church.  I managed to get there on time despite staying up until about 3 in the morning chatting away with Cara.  It happened to be the night we turned our clocks an hour ahead...

Sister Mettlen and I

Brother and Sister Mettlen

Sunday Night with the Crosswhites at their miracle church!

Feeling loved

Made it back to my hotel room without getting lost.  That is amazing.  

By the way, I stayed at my favorite hotel in Lufkin-- the Best Western.  It's the best hotel in town!

The next day these two sweet girls saw me off.  They brought me a bag of treats for my journey back home.  

Back to the Houston airport

Thanks, friends, for such a wonderful trip....

Back to work--time to fight against Corona virus!