Monday, March 7, 2011

Quick Update

Okay this is a picture of me talking. Yes, I seem to forget to bring out my camera during all the best kodak moments because I'm usually too busy talking. I really am working on becoming a better listener! :)) So! Even though I had a very fun weekend, I once again, did not think to bring out my camera. Ho-hum. Maybe I should talk my sister into taking over the camera from now on.

On Saturday my grandfather invited his friends, the Skinners over for dinner. Mrs. Skinner is the former mayor of Sumner and best of all, she and Mr. Skinner brought over their Brasilian exchange student named Mari. Alana and I had a great time with Mari talking in Portuguese and exchanging stories about Brasil. She even came to church with us last night!
I am wrapping up another round of my 8-week classes. I finish Bibl 105 and Crisis 302 by Friday. I will have 10 days off and then I start Theo 104 and Statistics 201! AH! I am sooooooo scared of statistics. HELP!!!!!

1 More Week Until Music Conference! I LOVE Choirs!!!!

This is my car.
Este eh meu carro vermelho que eu gosto muuuuito! :))